Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hi peeps! soz for my lazy-ness for not blogging in ages hahhaa. I kinda forgot what i was gonna blog about lol.

Yeh i am on holidays atm so I got tonnes of time yet I dont seem to be blogging too much :)
Term 3 is over for me, and nearly over for the rest of you. Its amazing how quick time passes isn't it? lol

But ya my last few weeks have been pretty normal i guess. School even on the last day seems like a routine. This makes me think if my worship to God, and the life I am living for him is like a routine too. When we do stuff over and over again for ages, we just get into the habbit of doing it; usually without much thought. I gotta admit a couple of times during my walk with God, that I have been serving him as a routine. Like when I go to Fungus or church; its just 'another week'. When we do praise and worship; we sometimes lift our hands to him out of routine also.

Well ya know, God's mercies are new each day, and his grace towards us is always new. We should rock up to chuch or youth-group with a fire in our hearts, and be excited about what God can do in our lives everyday. Christianity is not boring, and change cannot occur if we do not constantly aim for new heights. If you aim for something, it will be achieved, and if you keep on aiming for the same thing, nothing will happen; your life will be the same all the time; which really isn't what God wants us to do with our lives.

Yeh I think last sunday at church, the message somehow stood out to me. It was about the loving heart vs the decietful heart. I noticed that some aspects of my life were not powered by pure love. Here is something I got from my bible: (its in more relevant language)

Love is willing to wait and not demanding

Love keeps on being friendly to those who are not friendly back

Love isnt jealous, and doesnt hate others

Love does not brag

Love is not stuck up (proud)

Love doesnt disclude others

Love does not insist in getting all the credit for their actions

Love is not easily angered

Love doesnt hold grudges against others

Love looks out for others as much as themselves

Love keeps on trusting in God even if things may not go your way

Love doesn't give up cause something goes wrong

Love makes sacrifices

Hheehee. Notice how the word 'sin' has the letter 'I' in the center of it? Yeh basically self-centeredness is the opposite of what we should be doing; which is to love God and others as nuch as ourselves. THats why Fungus is so cool, cause it is Fun G Us (God in the center of all we do lol) Hhehheee I gonna upload my kidshaper stuff soon lols.

Well cya for nows! Holidays! weeEE