Heya guys. Yeh i just remembered I have school camp tomorrow hehe. So that means i won't be around till saturday, so no blogs for this week :)
hehe school work is over! yay! apparantly there is tonnes of insects at the camp, and i noticed i dont have any insect repellant! eww!! insects are freaky! eww!! yeh i guess i gotta survive getting invaded by flies :(
heheh anyyawyywayywyayssss i better pack my stuff lol.
cya and god bless!
Monday, November 24, 2008
school camp!! noooOO
Posted by Jon Lee at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
FINALLY a post!
Heya fellow weak-cow-ers :)
I think that had to be the longest time I hadn't posted in. hehhe. Recently, I was sick a couple of times, and also went to through a hc exam period. So yeh, that explains the dead blog hehe. Now I'll try to post regularly lol. Tonnes of stuff happened since I last blogged. I forgotten most of the stuff already, so I'll just include the stuff that my mega short-term memory can remember ^^1. Asher! (the mini Qynnie!)
On the 4th of November, 2008..... a mini Qynnie was born! Gratz Sonja and Qynnie on ur cool baby! Wow look how cute Asher is! >>>>
2. Exams!
Well finally after tonnes of extreme study, my exams are finally over, and so is school!(kinda)
I hope I did ok on them lol. The funniest thing was my viscom exam, which the teacher marked in front of me lol. I got a B+, for not even studying, or considering studying at all! LOL! Rawr exam is scary! Yeh anyways, good luck for u guys who got exams. Work hard :) oh yeh i still got school camp next week lol. shucks :S
3. LAst Fungus '08
Yesterday was the last Fungus for the whole year til next year! oh no! haha. I gotta say Fungus has really had a huge impact on my life this year. I don't notice myself growing much in faith in the short term, but when I look back over the last year; I've seen a massive change in my walk with God. I've developed some new friendships, and i guess gotten to know others more. Its been a pretty fun year at Fungus lol.
Cya guys, i gonna go now. Hope u have a fun last few weeks of school!
Posted by Jon Lee at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Long weekend! yay!
Hey Guys!
Its the Melbourne Cup long weekend! yay! Most of us get to miss school on monday and tuesday... so yeh :)
I been so slack lately, even though exams are coming in less than 2 weeks :S
Oh yeh good luck to those who are having exams soon too =)
‘Arse penalties’ are the coolest game now! Personally, I reckon it is more fun than soccer itself haha. We played after Fungus at the Bh base. If ‘arse penalties’ are played with the victim facing away from u, what is it called when they face towards u? Nut penalties? Dunno hehhe but thats what we did at first lol.
After church on Sunday I went to play badminton/table tennis, only cause it was a long weekend, otherwise work work lol :)
Oh yeh we went to La Porchetta in Box Hill for dinner later. The boss there is so annoying lol. (yash Keean I dunno whats with him against us haha)
Yeh I din get any work done yet, so I better start some revision and other projects -.-
Its kinda annoying when we get projects during exam time lol. No time to revise! ahhH!!
Well anywyays cya guys!!
God bless!
oh btw how u meant to change font colour? black looks bad hhaha.
and i accidently clicked the spellcheck button, and 'Keaan' doesn't appear to be in the dictionary :)
Posted by Jon Lee at 10:41 PM 0 comments