Friday, November 21, 2008

FINALLY a post!

Heya fellow weak-cow-ers :)
I think that had to be the longest time I hadn't posted in. hehhe. Recently, I was sick a couple of times, and also went to through a hc exam period. So yeh, that explains the dead blog hehe. Now I'll try to post regularly lol. Tonnes of stuff happened since I last blogged. I forgotten most of the stuff already, so I'll just include the stuff that my mega short-term memory can remember ^^

1. Asher! (the mini Qynnie!)

On the 4th of November, 2008..... a mini Qynnie was born! Gratz Sonja and Qynnie on ur cool baby! Wow look how cute Asher is! >>>>

2. Exams!

Well finally after tonnes of extreme study, my exams are finally over, and so is school!(kinda)
I hope I did ok on them lol. The funniest thing was my viscom exam, which the teacher marked in front of me lol. I got a B+, for not even studying, or considering studying at all! LOL! Rawr exam is scary! Yeh anyways, good luck for u guys who got exams. Work hard :) oh yeh i still got school camp next week lol. shucks :S

3. LAst Fungus '08

Yesterday was the last Fungus for the whole year til next year! oh no! haha. I gotta say Fungus has really had a huge impact on my life this year. I don't notice myself growing much in faith in the short term, but when I look back over the last year; I've seen a massive change in my walk with God. I've developed some new friendships, and i guess gotten to know others more. Its been a pretty fun year at Fungus lol.

Cya guys, i gonna go now. Hope u have a fun last few weeks of school!