Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fungus/ Kidshaper

Yeh i gonna put up my kidshaper notes thingy.

Well before that, last weeks Fungus was pretty cool. There was something about the message that struck me. I think it was about being a good works machine for God. Being a Christian is meaningless and useless if we don't live out what we say. In each cell group we also made commitments for the week, of something that would do good works for God. We were assigned a 'stalker' to make sure u got it done and stuck to the commitment lolol. My job this week is to stalk Mr Tool.

Well i made a commitment to do the dishes for my mum the entire week. So far, I have actually remembered to do so lol; coz I forget stuff really easily hehehe.

Well yeh now for the kidshaper stuff:

I went to a seperate session called 'Personal Breakthrough'. Here was some of the stuff:

Keys to personal breakthrough-

1. Forgiveness
We were forgiven so that we can forgive. Unforgiveness actually chains the grievance upon yourself. God sets us free from burdens, and if we are unforgiving towards others, the burden stays with us.

... wow where did the resst of my notes go lol....

2. Repentance/ Confession
God will only forgive u if u humble yourself before him and admit u sinned, and make a commitment to turn from your evil ways. Once u are forgiven by God, don't turn back to sin; stay away from it. If u can't resist the temptation, remove the temptation; simple.
As humans, we often sin because we don't even know it is a sin. The devil tries to say it is ok doing wrong. Well it is really dangerous if we don't even know wat we doing is a sin; just like unbelievers, they have no idea that many of the things they do are wrong. Thats why we needa reach out to them.\

Ok now i actually can't find my other notes from the session. Maybe i just didn't take any cause i was sleeping during the sermon? (ahh Sonja don't kill meeee!!)

Well yeh thats the end of this post then :)

Bye peeps i will upload more later!