Friday, December 19, 2008

A lifestyle

Hi peeps! Wow Christmas is just around the corner, and the year has gone by so quickly! I will be going back to Malaysia on the 23rd (Tuesday), so this will probably be my last blog here in Melb for the year lol.

Apart from that, this thought of 'Christianity as a lifestyle' has been popping into my head tonnes lately. I know all these things we learn in church may seem perhaps 'obvious' or you may understand it already. That is good for a start, but look at applying it to your life; do you live it out? That is the most crucial part of all that teaching, or its utterly useless.

You may have heard this a million times already, about Christianity being a lifestyle, but all I really want you to take out of this is to make sure that your faith really is your lifestyle.

It saddens me how many times we hear messages at Church, and when the week progresses on, we seem to have completely forgotten all that stuff. We can't be 'Friday or Sunday Christians'; we have to behave in a consistent manner. If we only appear to be 'good' on certain days (perhaps when church is), I could hardly consider you a Christian. I myself need to closely watch everything I do, and make sure it reflects my faith.

When I say 'being a lifestyle', I mean that obeying Christ should be part of our 'second nature' or something like that; meaning that we should be so used to doing good works, that it is a habit.

Don't be a 'Friday Christian, be an 'everyday Christian'! Booyah!

hehe woah the weather forecast recently has been really un-reliable; but thats Good! So looks like the weekend is gonna be ok weather for once! :)

Cya! Keep on shining for God!