Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Highlife !!

Heya guys! I was meant to post this ages ago but i kinda forgot lol. Well ya this is my post on the Fungus/101 highlife camp!

When i went to camp, i had a feeling that God was gonna move powerfully in the lives of those who had a passion for him. Even before camp, he reminded me that he was an awesome and powerful God. Like heaps of peoples were not able to come to camp for many reasons, but were suddenly allowed to come only just before it started! Prayer is powerfuL! lol...

I walked into camp with a pretty bad cold; i pretty worn down and tired. I decided to lift everything up to God, and trusted that he would heal me. By the next day i was healed and could worship God without any setbacks! Praise God!

A personal encounter with God is what we all need, and I really wanted God to touch me at this camp. I wasn't content with the life I am living, and I wanted to get closer to God. On the last night (yesterdaY) it was during a worship session where I encountered him. There was an alter call for forgiveness and to make commitments to live for God in our daily lives. We went hardcore and the pastor asked us to confess our sins in front of everyone and ask for forgiveness. This was for those who wanted to. I responded to it, and confessed for putting other things in front of God. It was destroying my walk with him, and the Holy spirit convicted me to do something about it. I chose to quit Battlestations and every game or thing that causes my relationship with God to be wrecked. I just deleted the facebook app just a sec ago :)
(btw this was originally written on July 5th; day after camp. I am just finishing the post lol)

In the bible, God says: "If my people humble themselves before me and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and forgive them." That is the only way we can be forgiven. Some may think that just asking God to forgive you will allow them to be forgiven. You actually need to also try your best not to do it again. The first part of humbling yourself before him is pretty much admitting you have sinned.

The camp in general really restored my passion for God. I made commitments to keep that fire for him burning in my life even as I left camp. I wanted Highlife '08 not to be simply an event I rocked up to and had a great time and left still as the same person, but I wanted it to change my life forever. With an awesome camp in the presence of God and an atmosphere of worship; it is pretty easy to be on fire for Christ. When we leave there and go back to our homes and normal life full of temptation and distraction, it is really easy to drift away from God. I pray that i will always put him before anything else in my life. Those of you who made commitments at the camp, remember to live your life for God alone, and to make it an act of worship to him.

I will cover soem aspects of camp:

Bring instant noodles man! SImply cause u may not like the food there, and you certainly dont get fed enough there lol. Kevin Chang kept on saying "this food tastes like *%#%!!" lol man... the camp guys could hear him saying that :) Oh ya i rememebr the hash brown eating contest onthe last day, between him and me lol.... i think he dropped out :) lol everyone woke up late that day so i pratically cleaned up all the food ^^

I met soem interesting dudes in my cabin. I got to know some better, and met some new guys.
There was this dude in particular called James who was obsessed with porn/chicks..... =.="
I could see his walk with God was pretty distant. I prayed for him and asked God to change him. I also noticed that if you want something to happen; fight for it! In this situation, the way I would fight for it was to really put some effort into telling him more about Christ. As i mentioned before, we had a forgiveness session. I was pleased and surprised to see that he surrendered to God and asked him to forgive him for his darkest of sins. I walked up to him and told him that for God to forgive him, he needed to humble himself before him (which he already did), and to turn from his ways. I later prayed for him. I already saw God moving in that guy's life.

Sessions: speaker was pastor Michael Raj. He was Chris' youth pastor back in Malaysia. He was a truly anointed man of God. The sessions were packed awesome worship and preaching. In one of the sessions we were asked to imagine what my walk with god will look like in the future.

Firstly, looking back over the years, my life was in the same position for years; pretty much far away from Christ. It is only over the last year or 2 that I have made a commitment to take up my cross and walk in Gods will, and not my own. I still hope to be more passionate for Christ and be closer to him in the next few years.

Another awesome bit of camp was the last nights campfire. We could barely light the flame at first, but then after a while we got a few huge fires burning! My shoes got burnt on the fire hehee. I want to add photos but i dunno how to lol :)
And also on the last night, we had the skits from each 'family'. I was in browning family. The most funny bit was Kevins 'R Rated' version of Umbrella :) He started going overboard, which also lost his group marks! hahahha!

Yeh i can blog much more but i wanna summarise everything pretty short; God is great! hehhe. It was an awesoem camp. I just noticed i have an english essay due tomorow. I better get going lol. Bye peeps!