Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fungus-oids :)

hihi everyone! lol... Fungusoids is a cool name lol... Sure Fungus is cool. I agree...., but for what reason? Is it cool cause ur friends go there? Is it cool cause the atmosphere is nice? Is it cool cause they got an awesome band? lol.... There are many reasons why we might go to Fungus every friday, but honestly, how much do you really go there to seek God?

Lets put it like this; all your friends play Futsul/Dota/Go Box Hill every week on the same night as Fungus/Church. Which one would you go to? This refers to every week btw. Do you go to Fungus cause ur friends are there, and it is fun talking to them? Or do you go there cause u love God with all your heart and want to spend time with him?

I can honestly say that only until quite recently, I have been going to church and Fungus for the wrong reason. I used to go there cause it was fun. I used to go there because the people there are cool. (They still are!) Go to Fungus to worship God and to draw nearer to him. The friends and other stuff are bonuses.

God bless!! Cya