Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Heya guys! CAmp is today! lol... my bro and mum are still sleeping :)
I dunno why but i woke up too early and couldnt get back to sleep...... the excitement lol.... its camp duH!

Yeh i spent ages yesterday praying for the camp... i know its gonna be awesome; not only fellowship, but I believe that God will do something special. I hope that it can be something that re-lights our passion for Christ, and usually, my 'fire' doesnt last for too long, but I hope that the camp will change us not only for the week, but for the days to come.

I better eat breakkie! Bye guys! THose who cant come to camp; i am sorry to hear, but I hope God will still move in ur lives. bye!!!! HIGHLIFE 'o8! YEHHHHHH!!! ^^