Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yay sunday!

I like weekends and fridays! i actually dun hav to be bored with school all the time lol. today as usual, i did kids ministry, and I was encouraged to pull myself together. I do not do my job for fun, nor do I treat it lightly anymore. In the past, I must admit I kinda slacked off and din really serve Christ as I should. Now i am gonna do my best to talk more to the kids and get to know them better.

The sermon today was pretty funny; Chris and Rodger preaching, and Rodger constantly getting bagged about his obsession with food, which obviously shows up physically. lol! But they were speaking about how they couldn't stand each other; they were so different and found each other just plain annoying. I must say that some people did irritate me in the past, but no longer do I choose to get irritated, but rather to show agape love (if thats how u spell it lol) towards them, just liek God has shown to me. Remember, God loves us unconditionally, no matter how much we sin or the things we do, and we should treat others in that same way too.

Love for who they are, not what they have done. Cause i am sure we also stuff up a fair bit, just remember that.

I gotta revise for exams! yay! then indoor soccer later lol. Bye !