Hey guys!
Just a short post!
Today we had a kinda early Christmas party before we go to msia tomoz.
I am still yet to realize I should start packing yet, so *headbutts wall*
ahh now that feels better!
I guess i better start packing :)
cya guys and god bless! woot msia!! hahah i gonna go really fat and tank.. like mr tool!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Posted by Jon Lee at 4:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
A lifestyle
Hi peeps! Wow Christmas is just around the corner, and the year has gone by so quickly! I will be going back to Malaysia on the 23rd (Tuesday), so this will probably be my last blog here in Melb for the year lol.
Apart from that, this thought of 'Christianity as a lifestyle' has been popping into my head tonnes lately. I know all these things we learn in church may seem perhaps 'obvious' or you may understand it already. That is good for a start, but look at applying it to your life; do you live it out? That is the most crucial part of all that teaching, or its utterly useless.
You may have heard this a million times already, about Christianity being a lifestyle, but all I really want you to take out of this is to make sure that your faith really is your lifestyle.
It saddens me how many times we hear messages at Church, and when the week progresses on, we seem to have completely forgotten all that stuff. We can't be 'Friday or Sunday Christians'; we have to behave in a consistent manner. If we only appear to be 'good' on certain days (perhaps when church is), I could hardly consider you a Christian. I myself need to closely watch everything I do, and make sure it reflects my faith.
When I say 'being a lifestyle', I mean that obeying Christ should be part of our 'second nature' or something like that; meaning that we should be so used to doing good works, that it is a habit.
Don't be a 'Friday Christian, be an 'everyday Christian'! Booyah!
hehe woah the weather forecast recently has been really un-reliable; but thats Good! So looks like the weekend is gonna be ok weather for once! :)
Cya! Keep on shining for God!
Posted by Jon Lee at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Unfailing love
Hiya guys =) Before u read on, put ur speakers on full blast- i updated my playlist again hhaha. I am sure we are often annoyed at when others let us down, and even if we let ourselves down at times. Of what I know of, there is only one person that I am sure will never let us down- that is God. “There has not failed one word of all His good promise.” - 1 Kings 8:56 I still remember all the times that I endured mega-stress or worry. I was thinking it was nearly impossible to go through those situations and still have a positive outcome. I needed a miracle for things to work out well, and I got a miracle. Countless times, I was so stuffed, and I didn’t even notice that everything up to today has gone smoothly. I always put my trust and hope in God, and he has never failed me; his love is unfailing. Every situation I was so worried about, God hid me safely under his comforting wings. He has NEVER EVER failed me- and I am sure about that. I was too worried that I didn’t even notice I was ok, and I really want to take this opportunity to give all the glory to God. He does indeed keep his promises. I just want to say, put ALL your faith and trust in God, and you definitely won’t regret it. Don’t doubt if he can pull you through the toughest of times, for it is pure faith that drives miracles. Try it, it works! Oh yeh, for those who don’t read the bible much, I really recommend that you do. Because this verse says that God keeps his promises, so you would generally need to be aware of what his promises actually are before you will receive any of them. Know what God promises in your life, and claim them with faith. Hope you are learning stuff from my blog =) Cya!
Posted by Jon Lee at 2:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Core of Christianity
Heya guys!
Haha i've noticed that I am starting to blog way less than I originally did haha. At one point I blogged more than once a day! =o !
(btw i forgot if i already blogged about this. Well if i did, i may aswell do it again ^^ )
This is what we live for; what we hope to achieve- it is the core of Christianity. Personally, I believe that, as Christians, it doesnt really matter how 'pure and sin-less' we are at the current state. When I say that, I dont mean its ok to be constantly full of sin, cause at one point, everyone was a sinner.
Christianity is all about change- transforming into a more mature and obedient person. This is called spiritual growth. Spiritual stagnance is something we should really hope not to have. Each and every day should be an opportunity for us to get closer to God. Of couse this will not happen if we do not constantly seek him, and have a desire to grow deeper in faith.
Nearly all my years of my life, I was hardly growing matured at all. Even up to 13, I was still as childish as a little kid. I may have mentioned this before, but my walk with God suddenly took off at hardcore pace when I started to go to Fungus and serve in sunday school ministry. That was about when I was 14. Two years later, I can gladly say that I am still seeking God with a burning passion, this time brighter.
Man that kidshaper song 'fly' keeps popping into my head. I wanna fly. I seriously do. I want to lift in faith and touch the sky. I want to go deeper than I have before. I wanna soar; I wanna fly!
Well I am gonna go sleep now! Christmas is coming soon! woot!
God bless!
Posted by Jon Lee at 3:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Woah! so much has happened so far on the holidays! A couple of birthdays, and other stuff I dun even remember anymore! haha!
Happy 16th Birthday Darren!
Happy 18th Birthday Alvin!
Happy 15th Birthday Nessa!
Happy 15th Birthday Lin Li!
shucks did i miss anyone out? tada! its time for facebook birthday reminder! yay!
Oh yeh and happy 16th Birthday Harold in a few days time!
I gotta say the weekend was really busy. On friday I think I played soccer with some Fungus peeps. Oh yeh and poor Shaun had to watch us cause he is a cripple! xD
Sunday had to be my randomest day ever!
K firstly, we had church in the morning, and for some reallly realllllly weird reason, my bro thought it started at 10:30 instead of 9.30. lol so we waited for him to sleep for another hour, then we went to church :S !!! I walked into X-Cite one hour late, and luckily I didn't recieve too much beatings from the Kids pastor!!! *phew*!! yeh soz I was late :)
Church sermon!
I discovered something on Sunday- that taking notes during the message is really good! So i did :) The message was on the topic of Hope. It may seem un-important, but I realized how vital it is in Christianity. I learnt a couple of things:
Hope in todays terms is something like ‘possibility’. You say you ‘hope’ something will happen, but you are not exactly sure.
Hope in the bible’s terms is definite assurance. It clearly states that if you put your hope and trust in God, you will not be disgraced. I took notes of some bible passages too:
Psalms 146:5
"How blessed is he , whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God."
This says that if you put ur hope in God, you are secure and safe.
After Church:
After Church on Sunday, I decided to lose some weight and go running with the fit people at Rufly Lake Park. I think we ran something like 5km, and I gotta say it was pretty fun! I was ahead of the pack at first, then I pulled back. Hahha! Isaac (the tank) still overtook us, even though he took the longer route by! Woah!
Even after that mega long day, my bro and I invited some peeps over, so we kinda didn’t getta rest till midnight, but I wasn’t tired hehhe
This week is gonna be cool lol. On Friday I am going to Hamroll’s party, then playing soccer in the rain afterwards. Christmas is coming soon woot! On Sunday there is carols by glowstick-light at church! Hahah thats gonna be cool !
Anyway i gonna go for now. Cya guys!
Posted by Jon Lee at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
school camp!! noooOO
Heya guys. Yeh i just remembered I have school camp tomorrow hehe. So that means i won't be around till saturday, so no blogs for this week :)
hehe school work is over! yay! apparantly there is tonnes of insects at the camp, and i noticed i dont have any insect repellant! eww!! insects are freaky! eww!! yeh i guess i gotta survive getting invaded by flies :(
heheh anyyawyywayywyayssss i better pack my stuff lol.
cya and god bless!
Posted by Jon Lee at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
FINALLY a post!
Heya fellow weak-cow-ers :)
I think that had to be the longest time I hadn't posted in. hehhe. Recently, I was sick a couple of times, and also went to through a hc exam period. So yeh, that explains the dead blog hehe. Now I'll try to post regularly lol. Tonnes of stuff happened since I last blogged. I forgotten most of the stuff already, so I'll just include the stuff that my mega short-term memory can remember ^^1. Asher! (the mini Qynnie!)
On the 4th of November, 2008..... a mini Qynnie was born! Gratz Sonja and Qynnie on ur cool baby! Wow look how cute Asher is! >>>>
2. Exams!
Well finally after tonnes of extreme study, my exams are finally over, and so is school!(kinda)
I hope I did ok on them lol. The funniest thing was my viscom exam, which the teacher marked in front of me lol. I got a B+, for not even studying, or considering studying at all! LOL! Rawr exam is scary! Yeh anyways, good luck for u guys who got exams. Work hard :) oh yeh i still got school camp next week lol. shucks :S
3. LAst Fungus '08
Yesterday was the last Fungus for the whole year til next year! oh no! haha. I gotta say Fungus has really had a huge impact on my life this year. I don't notice myself growing much in faith in the short term, but when I look back over the last year; I've seen a massive change in my walk with God. I've developed some new friendships, and i guess gotten to know others more. Its been a pretty fun year at Fungus lol.
Cya guys, i gonna go now. Hope u have a fun last few weeks of school!
Posted by Jon Lee at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Long weekend! yay!
Hey Guys!
Its the Melbourne Cup long weekend! yay! Most of us get to miss school on monday and tuesday... so yeh :)
I been so slack lately, even though exams are coming in less than 2 weeks :S
Oh yeh good luck to those who are having exams soon too =)
‘Arse penalties’ are the coolest game now! Personally, I reckon it is more fun than soccer itself haha. We played after Fungus at the Bh base. If ‘arse penalties’ are played with the victim facing away from u, what is it called when they face towards u? Nut penalties? Dunno hehhe but thats what we did at first lol.
After church on Sunday I went to play badminton/table tennis, only cause it was a long weekend, otherwise work work lol :)
Oh yeh we went to La Porchetta in Box Hill for dinner later. The boss there is so annoying lol. (yash Keean I dunno whats with him against us haha)
Yeh I din get any work done yet, so I better start some revision and other projects -.-
Its kinda annoying when we get projects during exam time lol. No time to revise! ahhH!!
Well anywyays cya guys!!
God bless!
oh btw how u meant to change font colour? black looks bad hhaha.
and i accidently clicked the spellcheck button, and 'Keaan' doesn't appear to be in the dictionary :)
Posted by Jon Lee at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Hey guys!
Its been a pretty busy and random week haha.
Well at least i am finally off anti-biotics, but I think I am starting to get sick again :(
hehhee oh yeh btw spring is so annoying! *sneeze* *my eyes!!* :D
Soem pretty funny stuff have happened to me during the past week at school lol.
Firstly, i was walking at school, and I yawned, then a fly flew in my moutH!! AHH!!
Thats the kind of stuff u see in movies. I didn't know it was actually possible in real life... :)
And today, I 'swallowed' my chewie! I feel sick now haha. Well I alwaays eat chewing gum in the morning, andd I usually keep it in my mouth, but today, the gum dissolved into mini pieces, and I accidently swallowed it! GG!!! Dont buy apple flavour extra gum- it is baDD!!! U die if u eat! ahH!
Praise and Worship was really different this week at Fungus. The 'Praise' part is generally thanking God for stuff, so what we did was to pass the mic around to everyone and they thanked God for what wanted to thank him for.
I really love it how Fungus encourages us to be more genuine with our relationship with God. Its made a huge impact on my life. Thanks Qynnie!
One quality I really admire is faithfulness. Our God is faithful- regardless of who we are, or what we've done. In Chris Tomlin's 'Your Grace is Enough', the first line goes ""Great is your faithfulness oh God; you wrestle with the sinners heart"
God doesn't give up on us just because we are sinners, but he wrestles with our hearts so that we can have a second chance to repent. I try to be as faithful as i can to other people, cause i believe it is a really important quality to have.
Qynnie's 30th! Wohoho!!
On Saturday the 25th, Qynn turned 30! wow! double digits now! hhehe. We went to play soccer on Sunday after church, then went for dinner at La Porchetta Box Hill later.
The weather was warm on sunday, so soccer was pretty fun hehe. Sunday is my unco day, so yeh.. I was keeper for a fair bit of the time. it was fun :) its funny how our team (a pretty noob one) was on like a 4 game winning streak, including defeating Qynns team in like 1 min.
La PorchettA:
I didnt expect dinner to take so long, and I had quite a bit of hw i was planning to do. We ate a buffet dinner hehe. It was pretty cool. I just ate full on pizza lawl.
We played a pizza eatign game after.
There were 4 teams. They were Altitude with darren, Fungus leaders, Fungus boys, And Fungus girls.
The results were pretty surprising. Fungus leaders came first, then the Fungus girls (wow), Fungus boys, then Altitude peeps. hhehee u eat so slow!!
The loser was meant to dance in front of randoms at the restaurant, but we wernt allowed to causr the owner of the restaurant is a homo.... So instead, they went to the middle of the road and harrassed oncoming cars lol.
HAppy Birthday Qynnie! Ur the awesomest youth pastor ever!! (i am being serious!)
Well guys i gonna go and sleep now ehehe. I got a flu again and mega hayfever lol :)
Posted by Jon Lee at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
2.5 in 1 blog :D
Hi peeps!
Soz for my laze at blogging, so here is a blog :)
1. bahhaha
As u might not have noticed, i been fairly sick for the past week. I had a flu and missed like 3 days off school lol. That made me feel guilty! >.< Anyway, I still sick, but I thank God for not letting me get any worse. Read on :)
2. FunGus!
There was soemthing abotu Fungus yesterday that stood out to me. That was praise and worship. So many times we see people who worship lead just by 'singing a song.' What definately stood out to me was Isaac; leading with a heart that sincerely loves God. That is what leadership is; setting a good example for us.
The topic of the message was salvation. To summarise it- We are saved by our belief in God. Faith without deeds is indeed dead; as how can we say we believe if we can't back it up with deeds? It is also by God's grace and love for us that we are saved. Pretty simple.
3. Jerusha and Mr Tools bday!
Happy Birthday Isaac and jerusha!!! lol! Ur the coolest twins I know :)
Today we went to their bday party by the beach. Pretty nice weather I gotta admit.
From swimming in jellyfish-infested waters, to completely owning Isaac and others, the day was really fun.
lol when we first got to the water, all of us were to chicken to even go anywhere near there. That was coz there were jellyfish! eww! They are fat! eww!
lol after like ages of standign near the waters edge with our jaws wide open, some of us finally decided to just jump in. The water was surprisingly cold, since it aws so sunny lol. I think I only bumped into one about two times :) it felt eww.
anyway mr brain doesnt seem to be functioning properly -.- i cant think of wat to write
Yeh before we left, we planned to do tonnes of meanie stuff to Isaac :)
We had our chilli and oyster sauce to put in his hair, eggs to put down his pants (eew!), shavign cream to 'cream' him with, and flour to chuck at him lol.
We creeped up to him while he was playing volleyball, took him down, then unleashed our stuff on him lols. His hair was like all red and slimy, and he looked like a snowman at the beach with all that shaving cream on him hahha. I was the person responisible for the oyster sauce mess, and I accidently hit on of my fellow comrades; mr goh, while wildly shaking my bottle bahaha. Soz man! yeh all the and around that area was totally red lmao. It looks like someone got shot there...
After Isaac washed off all that stuff, things went a little out of hand- nearly every innocent bystander got creamed! lol! Luckily I wasnt a victim of the creaming lol. I feel sorry for Isaac with those eggs down his pants lmao- i bet they dont feel to comfortable!
After that I went back the end :)
Cya peeps. I am really tired now lol.. cya!
Posted by Jon Lee at 4:14 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Hi peeps!!
School is starting on Monday! oh noO! the worst part is daylight saving the day before school! ayaHH! I lost my prechus sleep :( Oh that reminds me to start my hw lol. hehehe. any smart people wanna volunteer? haha
But i gotta say, these holidays have been pretty refreshing and fun at the same time :)
Yesterday at Fungus we talked about reading the Bible i thinkk
well in our discussion group, i was actually surprised that not many people read the bible reguarly, and some have never actually read it at all! woah! I wonder how they survive lol.
Some people see reading the bible as a chore; but it reality, it is really beneficial. Oh sHUCKS! i just glanced at the weather forecast for monday on my taskbar. gg its 13 raining -.-
Well back to topic:
Personally, i dont see how we can grow in faith or extend our relationship with him without God's word. Like yeh if u dun read the bible, you wouldnt know what God expects of you, and what is right or wrong etc. When u go to church and stuff, the pastor guy basically takes out the verses for you and explains it. That is good; cause its like readign the bible.
But why then should WE read the bible ourselves aswell?
Firstly, cause wat the pastor says may not be extirely relevant to your life during the many situations you go through. So by readign the bible yourself, God can speak to you all the time, and entirely to you.
Yeh we were going through some discussion of why some of us didnt read the bible. I remember kimmy said if it was liek a glossy magazine, she would read it. lol. I begun to wonder if my blog was a pain to the eye? I better start putting in some pics lol. That might help ur eyes not to hurt too much.
But about the bible reading thing: I find reading the bible 'food to the soul'. For me, if i dont read the bible, something in my life seems missing. You can learn heaps of stuff from God's own word, so put some time aside, and welcome to the wonderful world of hardcore bible reading ^^
Here is a pic i found. its really funny haha
Well anyways enjoy school/uni guys! Rememebr to put god in the center of everything you do, cause he deserves more than all we can give him. God bless!
Posted by Jon Lee at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sup peeps!
Holidays are nearly over hee. yeh and today was a pretty funny day. Qynn and his evil Fungus leaders challenged the FGA kids leaders to a soccer match hhee. We played indoor at Whitehorse Aquatic. For those who cbs readign more, i can summarise it in one sentance; we got owned.
lol it was pretty funny, coz they had the 'calve man' Isaac Ho. hahha. we were no match for his huge calves lol.
Well their team was made of Qynn, Zimmer, Pete, Choong, BanzoO, Mr Tool.
Ours consisted of Nick, Shaun, Daniel, Joshie Wawa, Keeann, TIm and MEEE! haha
I think we lost like 7-14? well something like that. We got gged hha. Now we gotta wear t'shirts next week saying 'Fungus is better than FGA Kids.'
To be honest, that is not even a punishment lol. Its a reward ^^ Coz we are in FUngus anyway.. so yeh lol. hehee i scored 1 goal. I cant play indoor for some reason.. I think its cause my shoes that are so called 'indoors' cant even grip the ground lol. Cause of that, I cant sprint or stop running without completely sliding lol. Well at least those shoes are good for shuffling ^^ coz really slippery gaahaha
well yeh, pretty cool day haha. Today's church message was really good cause it is relevant to so many of us 'Christians' lives. I din take notes, but go to fga webbie i think. There got the powerpoint. It was about the Wise vs Foolish minds.
That made me think of something. Wise (FGA kids) vs FOolish (FUNGUS! WOOT!)
lol of course i kidding hhee.
Well anyways, bye peeps. Enjoy ur week, and god bless!
Posted by Jon Lee at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
CIA day and teachers meeting! ^^
So hi peeps!
Lol yesterday was a pretty packed day aswell as really hot. Well yeh it was CIA day and also my kids leader teacher's meeting.
Cia day was pretty fun actually lol. Umm most of the cia peeps came tO the box hill base, and from there we went to box hill gardens for a picnic ^^
lol thanks to Kim and Michelle for all their hard work in organising the day. It was much appreciated :D
Cept i wanna contribute more to cia and fungus in the future. And yeh Michelle was cookign eggs at the office, and u might guess wat comes next lol; the whole place smelt like EGGS!! ahahahahh!!!
I could smell it from the other side of the place lol :)
Well for lunch we had the 'stinky eggs' that michelle made, some tuna, ham, cheesEE! ahaha
It was so windy aswell!! ahh my hair got all stuffed up haha. But at least someone like Jared din go, or he will be like AAHH!HH my HAIR!
Also the sun was burning hot lol. But it was still fun :) I forgot to pack water lol = mega dehydration!
We playeda couple of games, including booting all the little kiddies of the playground ^^
lol u know those flying fox things? well we were inspired some kids playing this game involving 2 peeps full on kicking the thing to each other at opposite ends lol. After the parents were staring at us open-jawed. lol...
Well we also playeda couiple of silly but fun games after. They were a catwalk involving using newspaper as a costume, and also a weird tellign-story game, where everyone had to contribute 1 sentance etc. having hughbert in the group, you wont wanna know wat happened in the story lol... So yeh, go to micheeleee wong's blog to see it haha.
We also played a feeding doughnut game after. This changed my opinion on doughnuts forever lol. My advice: doughnuts are EVIL!!
After the cia meeting i stayed at box hill for dinner until the teachers meeting lol. I ate way too much!! Tnx for SOnja who gave me a gloria jean's voucher :) I got a large cookies and cream which i shared with herrol (glowing calves boi). After that i went to Blue Hills and ate more!!! ayahH! My tummy was so big that i couldnt see my toes no more! (ghaha jk!).
Yeh everyone was late for teachers meeting lol. They all thought it started at 7.30 when it really started at 7. During praisea nd worship i could feel all my food bouncing with me lol. But i gotta say, it was a really bold decision for aud to do P&W with the lights on. Keep it up Aud! :)
But yeh, we honestly dun need a perfect atmosphere to worship God. Real worship comes when we put everything around us aside, and really focus on God. THere is nothign i love m,ore than seeign a burning passion for God in someone's life. Cmon worship God regardless what others think of you; coz our god really deserves our all.
Pastor Qynn gave the message last night. It was about the '1 percenters'; those who do all the hard work behind the scenes, who generally dont get any credit for it. You may be someone secretly organising a Fungus rally or something, etc. But you know, people around you may not recognise your contricution, but God sees every single thing you do, and will reward you for your deeds.
DOnt worry if you dont get praised for tyhe good things you do. DOnt look to please; look to please God.
Well yeh, i better get going now hehe. Bye peeps, and God blesS! Keep ur fire burning for GOd!
Posted by Jon Lee at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Kidshaper- Worship
Well yeh Luke Harris was the guy giving this message. Pretty cool eh? btw if u dont know who he is, he is the kids pastor of the Brisbane Church; the ones who did the albums "All of my days" and "Saturate"
Well to worship, you don't need to be a good singer or instrument player; all u need to do is worship from the heart. Soz if i repeat a lot of the stuff on my blog cause i uploading my notes from Kidshaper, and most of this stuff i already covered anyway. But yeh :)
Practice makes perfect. To be a good worshiper, do it everyday in your own life, whether it be worshiping God in the good deeds u do, or by singing praises to him etc.
We shouldn't actually need cool music or guitars to worship God, cause that stuff just sets the atmosphere of worship. It helps us get used to worshiping him. That is why free worship pwns. (please excuse my absurd language, cause i am taking it from my notes :D )
To make worship sessions succesful in a minestry includes choosing appropriate songs for ur sessions. Once u get people to God, he takes on the responsibility. He knows wat u need and hunger, so seek a breakthrough each day.
Posted by Jon Lee at 3:32 AM 0 comments
Fungus/ Kidshaper
Yeh i gonna put up my kidshaper notes thingy.
Well before that, last weeks Fungus was pretty cool. There was something about the message that struck me. I think it was about being a good works machine for God. Being a Christian is meaningless and useless if we don't live out what we say. In each cell group we also made commitments for the week, of something that would do good works for God. We were assigned a 'stalker' to make sure u got it done and stuck to the commitment lolol. My job this week is to stalk Mr Tool.
Well i made a commitment to do the dishes for my mum the entire week. So far, I have actually remembered to do so lol; coz I forget stuff really easily hehehe.
Well yeh now for the kidshaper stuff:
I went to a seperate session called 'Personal Breakthrough'. Here was some of the stuff:
Keys to personal breakthrough-
1. Forgiveness
We were forgiven so that we can forgive. Unforgiveness actually chains the grievance upon yourself. God sets us free from burdens, and if we are unforgiving towards others, the burden stays with us.
... wow where did the resst of my notes go lol....
2. Repentance/ Confession
God will only forgive u if u humble yourself before him and admit u sinned, and make a commitment to turn from your evil ways. Once u are forgiven by God, don't turn back to sin; stay away from it. If u can't resist the temptation, remove the temptation; simple.
As humans, we often sin because we don't even know it is a sin. The devil tries to say it is ok doing wrong. Well it is really dangerous if we don't even know wat we doing is a sin; just like unbelievers, they have no idea that many of the things they do are wrong. Thats why we needa reach out to them.\
Ok now i actually can't find my other notes from the session. Maybe i just didn't take any cause i was sleeping during the sermon? (ahh Sonja don't kill meeee!!)
Well yeh thats the end of this post then :)
Bye peeps i will upload more later!
Posted by Jon Lee at 3:17 AM 0 comments
Holidays lol
Hi peeps!
Its holidays already! yay! Well nothing much happened during last weeks holidays. This week is a little more busy. Well today i went to Victoria Gardens cinema. Well there are no movies that i actually like on at the moment, so we had to watch wall-e. lol.... It was not as bad as i thought lol. Well the start was really boring, but it was really funny later hehe. It baggs fat people so bad! hhaha well i guess its a little tight.... but funny! xD
Tomoz i going to melb show lol. I not gonna waste my cash on those 'two dollar quality' showbags anymore lol. They mega ripp off hehhe. Bertie beetles are so cool! :) i like bertie beetles lmao
Well also this week got quite a lot of church stuff on. Like on thurs, cia day and teachers meeting. Friday got fungus i guess. And saturday got teachers apreciation lunch hehe.
I done like no homework these holidays. I gotta read the oddessy -.- Its got Homer in it which only makes it worse lol. Well i guess thats why spark notes was invented ^^
Lol i realized that i still havnt uploaded my kidshaper notes! i better get them done lol.
Bye peeps!!! god bless ^^
Posted by Jon Lee at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hi peeps! soz for my lazy-ness for not blogging in ages hahhaa. I kinda forgot what i was gonna blog about lol.
Yeh i am on holidays atm so I got tonnes of time yet I dont seem to be blogging too much :)
Term 3 is over for me, and nearly over for the rest of you. Its amazing how quick time passes isn't it? lol
But ya my last few weeks have been pretty normal i guess. School even on the last day seems like a routine. This makes me think if my worship to God, and the life I am living for him is like a routine too. When we do stuff over and over again for ages, we just get into the habbit of doing it; usually without much thought. I gotta admit a couple of times during my walk with God, that I have been serving him as a routine. Like when I go to Fungus or church; its just 'another week'. When we do praise and worship; we sometimes lift our hands to him out of routine also.
Well ya know, God's mercies are new each day, and his grace towards us is always new. We should rock up to chuch or youth-group with a fire in our hearts, and be excited about what God can do in our lives everyday. Christianity is not boring, and change cannot occur if we do not constantly aim for new heights. If you aim for something, it will be achieved, and if you keep on aiming for the same thing, nothing will happen; your life will be the same all the time; which really isn't what God wants us to do with our lives.
Yeh I think last sunday at church, the message somehow stood out to me. It was about the loving heart vs the decietful heart. I noticed that some aspects of my life were not powered by pure love. Here is something I got from my bible: (its in more relevant language)
Love is willing to wait and not demanding
Love keeps on being friendly to those who are not friendly back
Love isnt jealous, and doesnt hate others
Love does not brag
Love is not stuck up (proud)
Love doesnt disclude others
Love does not insist in getting all the credit for their actions
Love is not easily angered
Love doesnt hold grudges against others
Love looks out for others as much as themselves
Love keeps on trusting in God even if things may not go your way
Love doesn't give up cause something goes wrong
Love makes sacrifices
Hheehee. Notice how the word 'sin' has the letter 'I' in the center of it? Yeh basically self-centeredness is the opposite of what we should be doing; which is to love God and others as nuch as ourselves. THats why Fungus is so cool, cause it is Fun G Us (God in the center of all we do lol) Hhehheee I gonna upload my kidshaper stuff soon lols.
Well cya for nows! Holidays! weeEE
Posted by Jon Lee at 3:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Kidshaper- Day 2, session 1
Yo peeps! Kidshaper was not very long ago when I think about it. I remembered that i was gonna post my notes up here, so here it is; Day 2, session 1!
I forgot the actual topic of the message, but i post my notes up. Please exxcuse my crappy English and confusing, random, and sometimes irrrelvant content.
"Don't look at your past mistakes; fix them, and keep moving forwards!"
The devil tries to remind you of your guilt and sin, but God doesn't; he gives you a chance for a fresh new start whenever you repent to him. Also try not to judge others by their past, coz whats in the present is what matters. Christianity is all about turning from a sinful life, to a godly life; I am sure we were all stuffed up sinners at one point.
"Everyone is born the same. Others build better than others."
Everyone is born as an innocent child. From there some make wise choices, and succeed, and some make foolish decisions, thus screwing up their life. Every single person has the potential to be a great person, but of course that is not easy. Discipline is the key. So that means that you can be an awesome man/woman of God. Just build your foundation on Christ, then you can achieve great things.
PArt 2 of session 1
haha this message was by Setphanie Sewell. lol she is pretty funny hehee. Well ya the message she gave was mainly on being alligned with God. She said:
Align yourself with God, and not yourself. This could be rephrased as "walk in God's will, and not your own" Part of being a Christian is 'taking up your cross every day', which is practically that stuff about walking in God's will.
Don't be partially alligned with God, cause u will tend to drift further away from him. She also mentioned that we should honour God with our heart, and not only our lips.
Well thats all the notes I got for that session lol. Maybe cause I was sleeping during the message? Woops now Sonja is gonna spank me as a punishment lol. I better run! Bye peeps!
Posted by Jon Lee at 3:40 AM 0 comments
Fungus Crazy Sex Rally!
Hey peeps! Soz for my lazyness recently, so now i decided to blog :)
On friday it was the Fungus crazy Sex rally! I invited a couple of my friends there, and even though not many could make it for some 'suspicious' reasons, I am sure there was a seed that was placed into their lives that could grow in the future. I also found out some pretty interesting stuff aswell; that a couple of my friends were already Christians, so I was pleased to discover that. I wish that they would not be so quiet about their faith, coz face reality; our God is real, and he is the answer to salvation. I will make sure I don't keep it to myself either. One thing I can assure you; you're not gonna have any regrets if u tell ur friends about God. Firstly, if they dump u cause ur a Christian, they not a real friend right? So if someone did that to me, i really cbs being their friend if they can't accept my beliefs. But yeh anyway, my friends don't treat me any differently when I told them I was a christian, and i hope urs don't too.
The rally was not as packed as we expected, and most of the peeps there were from Fungus already, but I am sure it wasn't a waste of an event, cause I know the message from the awesome speaker really convicted the hearts of some, and changed the lives of others. To be honest, I really enjoy helping with rallies, and I was a backstage dude as usual ^^
Also something that came into my mind is leadership. Me; I am a sunday school kids leader, and a newly appointed CIA gang leader hehee. I realized that thats a tonne of responsibility, and I definately should not take it lightly. I can't teach stuff if I can't even live it myself. So I made a commitment to really put Christ in the center of ALL I do. (Btw thats the fungus motto hehe)
Yay today is the first day of spring! hehehehe. No more cold weather, meaning no more getting sick too much! yay! Well I gonna post my kidshaper stuff up as i promised. Bye peeps! Also only 2 weeks of school left! yeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Posted by Jon Lee at 3:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Hi peeps! I learnt tonnes of stuff at Kidshaper last week hehe. I wanted to share about what I picked up from the conference. This blog is about one of the sessions that i went to:
The Kidshaper theme this year was 'fly'. The first session was on wednesday night. It was about soaring to new heights. God did not make us to live normal lives; we were made to 'fly'. Climb to new altitudes and levels in your walk with God. We should not be content of how pure our lives are, but we should be aiming to constantly grow in faith and get closer to God. This reminds me of the 'Highlife' theme for the fungus/101 camp. It was really something we should remember each adn every day.
Is God in control of your life, or is it yourself that makes all the decisions? Do you walk in his will or your own? That is one part that the precher mentioned. When we become a Christian, we are meant to take up our cross everyday. This means that we die to ourselves for the sake of Christ.
Also the precher mentioned somethign that was also not particuarly relevant to the topic, but i wanted to include it too. Soemtiems we do what God wants us to do, but we don't do it the best we can.
Eg: God wants you to talk to your friend about him. You go up to them and breifly tell them then walk off.
We did waht God asked us to do, but we did not make a proper effort. God sees your attitude towards all the thigns that you do. He looks at the inside, not the outside.
"We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us" - That is absolutely true. I noticed that society tends to depict Christianity as really boring and strict. They thing God is one who condems and punishes us all the time. I am a sure we all know that is not the case, so take a step of faith and boldness and tell your friends about God. The Crazy Sex Rally is comign up soon. As i mentioned before; an awesoem opportunity to invite ur horney friends! xD
Yeh a main point of the sermon was also faith. The bible states that without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please god. That is where he responds and miracles start to happen. That also coems back to a phrase 'the just shall live by faith'. If u understand it, that is cool, cause i dont hehe.
Don't doubt God; he is real, and we know it. Soar to new levels of faith each day, and strive to get closer to God.
Bye peeps! God bless!
Btw, nice weather to today eh? And sprign in 1 week! booyaHHH!
Posted by Jon Lee at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Random Quiz
Hi peeps! I stole this quiz thingy from Jean's Blog ^^
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 5.54 Pw
Name: Jon Lee
Sisters: -
Brothers: 1.
Shoe size: 9?
Height: 170 around
Where do you live: Australia.
Favourite drinks: Water ^^
Favourite breakfast: Hash Browns
Have you ever been on a plane: yes.
Swam in the ocean: yes.
Fallen asleep in school: *Duh*
Broken someone's heart: i guess. Was that mean to be literally?
Fell off your chair: yash
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: nope
Saved e-mails: kinda
What is your room like: really messy during the week, till I clean it on weekends :)
What's right beside you: ipod
What is the last thing you ate: Mie Goreng from church
Ever had chicken pox: yehhh! I like infected everyone too
Sore throat: ya
Stitches: nOOO
Broken nose: noOO
Do you believe in love at first sight: no
Like picnics: kinda
Who was the last person you danced with: hi :)
Last made you smile: Mister Goh!
You last yelled at: dun remember
Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: yes.
Kissed anyone: no.
Get sick: no.
Talked to an ex: ermm no
Miss someone: nopes
Best feeling in the world: being happy ^^
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: YEHHHH!
What's under your bed: my secret stash of drugs. OH WOOPS! DID I JUST???!!!?
Who do you really hate: noone really
What time is it now: 5.59 pm
Randoms :
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: no
Q: Do you have any siblings: yupp.
Q: Do you want children: i guess
Q: Do you smile often: :)
Q: Do you like your hand-writing: i cant even read it
Q: Are your toenails painted: i am a boy -.- ... or am i?
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my teddies bed
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: white
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: Playing badminton lol
Q: I can't wait till: FUngus crazy sex rally!
Q: When did you cry last: dun remember.
Q: Are you a friendly person: dunno
Q: Do you have any pets: Not anymore.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now? - my english is crap, and I dun understand the sentance
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? – no.
Do you sleep with the TV on? – I dun even watch tv lol
What are you doing right now? – typing?
Have you ever crawled through a window? – hehe yes
Can you handle the truth? - yes.
Are you closer to your mother or father? - Mum
Who was the last person you cried in front of? – cant remember either
How many people can you say you've really loved? - Everyone
Do you eat healthy? - I want to, but i dont hehe
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? - no
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? - i think
How often do you go to church? – I am orthodox hommie
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? - myself
Are you loud or quiet most of the time? – Quiet
Are you confident? - depends. My 'hyper after 11pm theorem' applies. Did u know I am crazy after 11pm?
5 things I was doing 10 years ago..(1998)
1- i was 5 years old
2- punching people
3- crying.
4- eating.
5- laughing
5 things on my to-do list today
1- Do my hw -.-
2- Read the bible and pray
3- Watch olympics
4- Spam people
5- Blog
5 snacks I enjoy
1- Grass
2- Corn Chips
3- More corn chips
4- Chocolate
5- Cake
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1- rob more banks
2- travel.
3- spend on toilet paper
4- donate to charity
5- give some to friends and family
5 of my bad habits
1- I spam people till they explode
2- I speak so softly that u would headbutt the wall
3- My memory is bad
4- I cbs doing hw
5- I am lazy and loving it :)
5 places I have lived in
1- mum's tummy.
2- current house.
3- -
4- -
5- -
5 jobs I've had
1- Student.
2- Hired slave
3- Kid
4- Friend.
5- Cousin.
5 people I tag
Anyone that has blogs that I know
Posted by Jon Lee at 12:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Here I am, humbled by your majesty.......
Hi peeps!
Surprisingly i am not tired from the whole week filled with Alpha retreat and Kidshaper lol. Today I went to church and we compared a humble vs proud mind. Well i guess we know it is better to be humble than proud.
Humble yourself before God humbles you hehee. Cause it won't be a nice experience if he does so. I remembered an awesoem song by Delirious. It is called Majesty (here I am)
Here I am humbled by your Majesty
Covered by your grace so free
Here I am, knowing I'm a sinful man
Covered by the blood of the Lamb
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice
Majesty, Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in your hands
Majesty, Majesty
Forever I am changed by your love
In the presence of your Majesty
Here I am humbled by the love that you give
Forgiven so that I can forgive
Here I stand, knowing that I'm your desire
Sanctified by glory and fire
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine
Since you laid down your life
The greatest sacrifice
Now I gonna go :) Bye peeps!!
Posted by Jon Lee at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Kidshaper 08!
Hiya peeps!
I just came back from kidshaper today. yay! I gotta say, it was definately something that took my walk with god to a new level, and also equipped me up with heaps of advice and inspiration to be a leader at sunday school and elsewhere.
I believe God really wants me to be more of an influence into other people's lives, and many people have told me that. I completely agree. To be honest, where my walk with God really took off was cause of some of the really positive influeneces around me. I want to be like that to others lives. Kidshaper was a conference about leading. I will blog about each of the sessions in the next few days, but i just wanted to say that the conference in general took me to the 'highlife. Highlife camp was awesome, and definately an appropriate and important name.
I always want to take my walk with God higher each day. I am content of what I have and what God has given me, but I am not content with my walk with God. None of us should be. God doesn't want us to live just normal lives, he wants us to FLY!; to be extraordinary.
The peeps that came for the whole conference were Sonja, Audrey, Mister Goh!, Samuel Chee, Me, Nick, Rachel Lee, June and her friend. We stayed in a apartment in Richmond, fairly close to the the church we went to. I gotta say, the webbie of the apartments looked pretty pro, but when we got there, we didn't get a run for our money lol..
The place looked good on the outsidem but in the inside, you noticed many flaws and problems. Eg, i wanted to open the bathroom window; it fell out. lmao!! Oh yeh, Nick borrowed Pete's car for the few days. We totally stuffed it up so bad! lmaOO! Both the roller doors are pratically falling out and can barely close, and the boot can't shut properly either lol. We also rolled his car in the muddy Richmond AOG carpark. Lol don't go for a car wash cause if u do, the water will coem in through the massive gap in the door loolll.
And also, my diet is so gg. Last week I had the alpha retreat. there I ate so much junk food, and this week, i think i ate fast food like 5 times? I usually have it like only once a few weeks. hheee..
Events and conferences like these are not designed to restore our lost passion for Christ, but to soar higher than before; to take us to a new level.
Bye peeps! I tired lol. Cyaz! I will blog more about the messages soon!
Posted by Jon Lee at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Alpha Thingy!
Hi peeps! I just came back from the Alpha retreat today lol. It was a fun time aswell as an awesome experience with God. The peeps that came were Qynn, Vernis, Kim, Jean, Samuel Chee, Jared (aka mister Goh!) Hughbert, Hugh, Harold and myself. We went to this place which I already forgot where it is, but it was about 45 mins away.
Recently we were discussing about the holy spirit and what he does. It can give us many powerful gifts like healing, wisdom and speaking in tongues etc.... At the retreat, we were given an awesome and priceless opportunity to experience some of it ourselves! We were given the chance to take the offer of speaking in tongues.
Firstly, it is faith and trust that allows these gifts to be properly accepted. I learnt that every christian has the holy spirit livign inside them, but not everyone is filled with the holy spirit. Sound confusing?- I was confused at first lol. Well it is actually pretty simple; the spirit is living inside us, but we all have different gifts and powers from it.(being filled with the holy spirit)
Well ya, i really wanted to take my faith to a new level, and the gift of tongues is something that does that. When we pray, we may soemtimes pray for the wrong thing, or we may be stuck for ideas or words, but when we speak in tongues, the holy spirit is really speaking through you, using what is in your heart. So you dun really need to know wat to pray, just let the holy spirit do tha talkin' (*american gangsta accent*)
I took the opportunity to learn how to speak in tongues. It is like a baby talking for the first time; you dont really know how to talk properly. At first, I struggled to get words out of my mouth, cause I really din know any words. The peeps who knew how to speak in tongues prayed for those who didn't know how. After perserverence and trust, I managed to roll some words out of my mouth. I din know wat I was saying, but I just let the holy sprit move through me. The gift of tongues is simmilar to any other language; you need to practice and use it often for it to expand. So those who have the gift of tongues, remember to practice and use it during your time with God so it doesn't go out of your head.
We had some extreme worship at the retreat too- using Kim Ooi's laptop :)
The reasome why I loved worship there is cause it was sincere. No matter where we are, we can worship God the same. We may not be at church, we may not be at Fungus, and we may not even have proper music, but we can still worship God with our all. Actually, we dun even need to sing to the lyrics if we don't want to, just worship God however you want to. Even if your voice is really bad, just shout it out lol. i am sure we would respect u even more if u did that, cause it shows that you worship God regardless of anything.
it is always satisfying seeing people on fire for God, but i know it is hard to keep that passion burning. Events like camps and retreats are designed to bring your faith to a new level, so when you go back to your normal life, make it somewhat different to your usual self. Take a new step as time progresses, even if it may be only a tiny step. Oh, and talking about that, go and invite some of your friends to the upcoming Fungus rally lol. If we step out in boldness and faith, I trust God will show up in the situation. Just show them the title of the rally; I am sure that will stir something up within them ^^
Well ya, the retreat was a really fun time too lol. A few of us cooked breakky and dinner too :)
For dinenr we cooked spaghetti, and for breakky, hash browns, sausages, scrambled eggs and bacon. hehehee...... I hardly slept last night lol. Olympics on tv, hyper kids in the room; its pretty hard to sleep lol. I got kidshaper this week too lol. I am so gonna be really tired after the week hhee. Well peeps, i gonna sleep now. Bye!!
Posted by Jon Lee at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Highlife !!
Heya guys! I was meant to post this ages ago but i kinda forgot lol. Well ya this is my post on the Fungus/101 highlife camp!
When i went to camp, i had a feeling that God was gonna move powerfully in the lives of those who had a passion for him. Even before camp, he reminded me that he was an awesome and powerful God. Like heaps of peoples were not able to come to camp for many reasons, but were suddenly allowed to come only just before it started! Prayer is powerfuL! lol...
I walked into camp with a pretty bad cold; i pretty worn down and tired. I decided to lift everything up to God, and trusted that he would heal me. By the next day i was healed and could worship God without any setbacks! Praise God!
A personal encounter with God is what we all need, and I really wanted God to touch me at this camp. I wasn't content with the life I am living, and I wanted to get closer to God. On the last night (yesterdaY) it was during a worship session where I encountered him. There was an alter call for forgiveness and to make commitments to live for God in our daily lives. We went hardcore and the pastor asked us to confess our sins in front of everyone and ask for forgiveness. This was for those who wanted to. I responded to it, and confessed for putting other things in front of God. It was destroying my walk with him, and the Holy spirit convicted me to do something about it. I chose to quit Battlestations and every game or thing that causes my relationship with God to be wrecked. I just deleted the facebook app just a sec ago :)
(btw this was originally written on July 5th; day after camp. I am just finishing the post lol)
In the bible, God says: "If my people humble themselves before me and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and forgive them." That is the only way we can be forgiven. Some may think that just asking God to forgive you will allow them to be forgiven. You actually need to also try your best not to do it again. The first part of humbling yourself before him is pretty much admitting you have sinned.
The camp in general really restored my passion for God. I made commitments to keep that fire for him burning in my life even as I left camp. I wanted Highlife '08 not to be simply an event I rocked up to and had a great time and left still as the same person, but I wanted it to change my life forever. With an awesome camp in the presence of God and an atmosphere of worship; it is pretty easy to be on fire for Christ. When we leave there and go back to our homes and normal life full of temptation and distraction, it is really easy to drift away from God. I pray that i will always put him before anything else in my life. Those of you who made commitments at the camp, remember to live your life for God alone, and to make it an act of worship to him.
I will cover soem aspects of camp:
Bring instant noodles man! SImply cause u may not like the food there, and you certainly dont get fed enough there lol. Kevin Chang kept on saying "this food tastes like *%#%!!" lol man... the camp guys could hear him saying that :) Oh ya i rememebr the hash brown eating contest onthe last day, between him and me lol.... i think he dropped out :) lol everyone woke up late that day so i pratically cleaned up all the food ^^
I met soem interesting dudes in my cabin. I got to know some better, and met some new guys.
There was this dude in particular called James who was obsessed with porn/chicks..... =.="
I could see his walk with God was pretty distant. I prayed for him and asked God to change him. I also noticed that if you want something to happen; fight for it! In this situation, the way I would fight for it was to really put some effort into telling him more about Christ. As i mentioned before, we had a forgiveness session. I was pleased and surprised to see that he surrendered to God and asked him to forgive him for his darkest of sins. I walked up to him and told him that for God to forgive him, he needed to humble himself before him (which he already did), and to turn from his ways. I later prayed for him. I already saw God moving in that guy's life.
Sessions: speaker was pastor Michael Raj. He was Chris' youth pastor back in Malaysia. He was a truly anointed man of God. The sessions were packed awesome worship and preaching. In one of the sessions we were asked to imagine what my walk with god will look like in the future.
Firstly, looking back over the years, my life was in the same position for years; pretty much far away from Christ. It is only over the last year or 2 that I have made a commitment to take up my cross and walk in Gods will, and not my own. I still hope to be more passionate for Christ and be closer to him in the next few years.
Another awesome bit of camp was the last nights campfire. We could barely light the flame at first, but then after a while we got a few huge fires burning! My shoes got burnt on the fire hehee. I want to add photos but i dunno how to lol :)
And also on the last night, we had the skits from each 'family'. I was in browning family. The most funny bit was Kevins 'R Rated' version of Umbrella :) He started going overboard, which also lost his group marks! hahahha!
Yeh i can blog much more but i wanna summarise everything pretty short; God is great! hehhe. It was an awesoem camp. I just noticed i have an english essay due tomorow. I better get going lol. Bye peeps!
Posted by Jon Lee at 2:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Amazing Grace
Heya peeps! Hehe i cbs blogging much lately, but i blogging now :) The last week has been pretty fun, cept for half the week I had a pretty bad flu. So many people seem to be getting sick lately lol.... Today was a somewhat different day at church. Well everything was the same routine, but it felt different. Sunday school was really good today, cause more kids came than usual, and it was a pretty fun and satisfying lesson.
The message that the speaker today gave at church was really hardcore (in a good way). It was about grace i think. We are given god's grace so that we can have a second chance. We are not given grace so that we can continue to live sinful lives. I guess some take it for granted. I am tired lol. i wanna sleep :)
Bye peeps!
Posted by Jon Lee at 9:31 PM 0 comments